Air Pistol

10M Air Pistol
Air Pistol Shooting is an Olympic and World Championship Event!

This is perhaps the simplest discipline, but not easy, shooting discipline with a sequence of 10 shots on 6 target cards over the time allowed.
CDPC has a semi covered 10m range with lighting which can be used at any time as the air pistols do not create much noise compared to .22 or centre fire handguns which have restricted shooting times.
You need to be or have present a qualified RO to use the CDPC air pistol range at times outside competitions.
Both Men’s and Woman’s 10m air pistol consists of 60 shots in 75 minutes. Historically the men’s event was 60 minutes but this has changed for most competitions.
... air targets
The target is 17×17 cm with concentric score zones, the innermost (worth ten points) having a diameter of 11.5 mm. The target centre is placed 1.4m above the floor.
In national and international competitions, the 10 point ring is further subdivided into decimal parts up to 10.9 so the highet score possible with 10 shots is 109.tetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Air pistols are available in many formats from break open spring-loaded single shot, Pre Charged Pneumatics and CO2 single and semi auto.
NOTE: The Victoria Police do not differentiate between air or powder driven handguns both require a full handgun license to buy, use or carry.
CDPC has a club air pistol for use by Novice Shooters which requires a Vic Police NORI form to be completed as with all novice shooters.
Please Note: CDPC does not store ammunition, firearms or cash on the premises at any time.
© Cranbourne Dandenong Pistol Club. All rights reserved.